Monday, 4 August 2014

Asos Wish List

Basically anyone who knows me remotely will be fully aware that I should probably attend meetings for my addiction to online shopping. Asos is definitely one of my favourite sites to shop on, especially since they launched a Tall range (hallelujah!) Plus with the lure of student discount and having a Premier account which means free next day delivery (how can you not?) I'm always persuaded to scroll through their site and bleed my bank account near dry for them.

I am constantly adding items to my saved list, although most of the time it's to simply stare at the clothes and accesories I believe I'll be able to afford by pay day, but never seem to be able to. However there are other times items sit there until I convince myself my wardrobe would be useless without it, or the items sells out and I curse myself for not clicking add to basket sooner. So here's a look into a couple of the items I'm lusting after currently, (it is my birthday this month, you know, just incase)...

6. Fiorelli Stella Purse (sale in Tan)

1 comment:

  1. Some gorgeous items there Ellie!
    I've nominated you for a Liebster Award, a great way of getting your blog out there :)
