Monday, 4 August 2014

Asos Wish List

Basically anyone who knows me remotely will be fully aware that I should probably attend meetings for my addiction to online shopping. Asos is definitely one of my favourite sites to shop on, especially since they launched a Tall range (hallelujah!) Plus with the lure of student discount and having a Premier account which means free next day delivery (how can you not?) I'm always persuaded to scroll through their site and bleed my bank account near dry for them.

I am constantly adding items to my saved list, although most of the time it's to simply stare at the clothes and accesories I believe I'll be able to afford by pay day, but never seem to be able to. However there are other times items sit there until I convince myself my wardrobe would be useless without it, or the items sells out and I curse myself for not clicking add to basket sooner. So here's a look into a couple of the items I'm lusting after currently, (it is my birthday this month, you know, just incase)...

6. Fiorelli Stella Purse (sale in Tan)

Friday, 1 August 2014

THIS MONTH: July In Photos

So this is my second blog post, which if you decided to read the first, then I'm a little unsure why you're back, but regardless of the reason, enjoy reading my waffling for the next few minutes.

So apparently it's August now (??!) and I know I'm not the only person who is slightly terrified at how fast this year is going. I am totally unprepared to turn twenty this month or to start my third year of university next month *has mental breakdown at the mere thought of dissertation*.So instead of admitting the summer is nearly over, I've instead reminisced July, which was a pretty fabulous month. The summer months are always my favourite, with the hope of glorious sunshine, which I'm amazed we had so much of, (please come back) and the ability to ignore responsibilities without feeling so guilty, because it's summer and *in the voice of Ross Geller* we were on a break, right?

So these are a few pictures littered on my iPhone which I took during July, which included working as a waitress a lot, the gaining of a new pet cat (don't ask), countless visits from Mumma Fox, Wireless festival, visiting Baine's in Manchester and trips to Hartsholme Park and beer gardens with Sarah to name a few, so enjoy.

So thank you for taking the time to read this when you could have been doing something constructive,